Why Published Apps Are Better Than Remote Desktops for Transitioning Your Business to the Cloud

Ensure IT Security and Performance
By: Kellie Hanna-Miller


Why Published Apps Are Better Than Remote Desktops for Transitioning Your Business to the Cloud

In the evolving landscape of business technology, the transition to the cloud has become more than just a trend; it's a necessity. Companies are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance accessibility. In this context, two primary solutions often come to the forefront: published applications and remote desktops. While both options have their merits, published apps offer distinct advantages that make them a superior choice for many businesses. Here’s why:

  1. Optimized Resource Utilization

Published applications are designed to be resource-efficient. Unlike remote desktops that replicate an entire desktop environment on a virtual machine, published apps allow users to access specific applications directly. This means less overhead in terms of memory and processing power, leading to better performance and lower costs.

  1. Enhanced User Experience

One of the biggest drawbacks of remote desktops is that they can often feel sluggish and unresponsive, especially when network conditions are less than ideal. Published apps, however, are typically more responsive because they run as individual processes on the server. This direct access means users experience less latency and a smoother interaction, which can significantly enhance productivity.

  1. Simplified Management and Maintenance

Managing and maintaining a fleet of remote desktops can be a complex and time-consuming task. Each virtual desktop requires individual configuration, updates, and troubleshooting. Published applications simplify this process by centralizing the management. IT administrators can update, patch, and manage the applications from a single point, ensuring consistency and reducing the maintenance burden.

  1. Scalability

As businesses grow, their technological needs evolve. Published applications offer superior scalability compared to remote desktops. Adding new users or expanding the range of applications available is straightforward with published apps. In contrast, scaling remote desktops often involves provisioning additional virtual machines and managing the associated infrastructure complexities.

  1. Improved Security

Security is a paramount concern in today’s digital age. Published applications provide enhanced security features by isolating each application session. This reduces the attack surface and mitigates the risk of one compromised application affecting the entire desktop environment. Additionally, since data processing happens on the server side, sensitive data remains protected within the corporate network.

  1. Cost Efficiency

Transitioning to the cloud is often driven by the desire to reduce costs. Published applications are typically more cost-efficient than remote desktops. They require fewer resources to run, reduce the need for extensive infrastructure, and lower management overhead. These savings can be significant, especially for small to medium-sized businesses looking to optimize their IT budget.

  1. Access Anywhere, Anytime

Both published apps and remote desktops offer remote access, but published apps do so more effectively. Users can access the specific applications they need from any device with an internet connection, without the need to load a full desktop environment. This flexibility is crucial for a modern workforce that increasingly relies on mobile devices and remote working arrangements.

  1. Better Integration with Modern IT Environments

Published applications integrate seamlessly with modern IT environments and workflows. They can be easily incorporated into existing cloud infrastructure and are compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems. This interoperability ensures that businesses can leverage their current technology investments while moving towards a more cloud-centric model.



While remote desktops have their place, the advantages of published applications make them a superior choice for many businesses transitioning to the cloud. From optimized resource utilization and enhanced user experience to simplified management and improved security, published apps provide a robust, efficient, and scalable solution. As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, published applications stand out as a strategic choice that can drive productivity, reduce costs, and ensure seamless access to critical business tools.

By prioritizing published applications over remote desktops, businesses can unlock the full potential of the cloud, positioning themselves for success in a rapidly changing technological landscape.